Luke and I drove to the BC west coast this summer, I shot mostly digital but took out the F65 from time to time. Something was off with the focusing for the first roll, I was sad to realize (much too late). But film always looks like something straight from a memory, so I'm posting them anyway.
I'll write out our full story and the rest of our adventures with the digital photos, for now - here's Vancouver, Squamish, and Edmonton.
Stanley Park
The smallest airbnb we stayed in. just a little room attached to the back of a house, an outdoor staircase leading up to it. the owners of the house were a sweet, older retired couple. they brought fresh fruit and heaters for the colder nights.
Gastown, Vancouver
we rode down the sea to sky highway to Squamish. my cousin Tyler's been living there. he told us about his job at the white water rafting place, pointed out which mountains he'd climbed and which ones he wants to. told us about his church that has no building, showed us the van he's turned into a home. I can't possibly imagine ever living so freely, but I envy him.
walking the sea wall
I couldn't wait to touch the ocean. it was like ice and Luke had to remind me this was the reason we were here. we went in, I was shaking from the cold but I soon stopped noticing. I live so landlocked, it takes days to drive out here and it's worth every second.
I was in Edmonton to shoot a wedding. it was rainy and I knew we'd be going home soon. I got to see a lot of people that I love.
the rest of the photos will be coming soon.